What you'll learn inside — How to Grow Sweet Peas:
- Sweet Pea Species
- Starting Sweet Peas
- Preparing to Plant
- Planting Methods
- Caring for Sweet Peas
- Harvesting Tips
- Dealing with Pests
- Harvesting Seeds
Sweet Pea Species Types
- 90% of species out there are Spencer
- Large, ruffled flowers
- Between 3-5 flowers per stem
- Require 12 hours of sun to induce bloom cycle
- Smaller flowers; shorter stems
- Not as ruffly, but produce tons of blooms
- This variety is very scented; it has the classic “sweet pea scent”
- Old Times; Almost Black
- Excellent for garden flowers or paired with vegetable gardens; not necessarily great for cut flowers
- Also require 12 hours of sunlight to induce bloom cycle
- Between grandiflora and Spencer
- Lots of scent and lots of blooms
- common types (very highly scented)
- High Scent
- Shorter stems, so good for garden flowers
- 12 hours of sunlight needed for bloom
- Series
- Solstice (different colors in the series)
- Mammoth (different colors in the series)
- Sunshine (different colors in the series)
- Winter elegance (different colors in the series)
- Only require 10 hours of sunlight to induce bloom cycle; will always bloom first in your patch
- Very long stems; great for cutting
- Excellent for a hot environment, but need to fall-sow them
Sowing Sweet Peas
When to sow sweet peas
ZONES 7-10
- Autumn sow
- October-November
- Keep them cool when they’re germinating; excess heat will make the stems long and lanky
- Autumn or early spring sow
- May need some protection for super cold temps
- Start in late winter
General Sweet Pea sowing notes:
- Not necessary to pre-soak
- This doesn’t actually speed up germination but instead introduces bacteria
- Too warm
- Too dark
- Leggy seedlings
- Leaning seedlings
Direct Sowing
- Can be done but often get eaten by pests
- Can also rot easily in wet climates
- If you can monitor the environment, it’s okay to direct sow
Other Do's and Don'ts of Sowing Sweet Peas
- The deeper the tray, the better
- Root trainers or 50 cell trays are best
- Need good starting mix (like Pro Mix
- Don’t push the seed to the bottom of the cell; maybe aninch deep
- Water and wait; they will germinate in 10-14 days
- If it’s too hot, they’ll germinate sooner, but this will cause lankiness
- Will germinate in 50-55 degrees; they like it cool
- Cell walls are stronger if they are grown cold
- You want short, beefy seedlings rather than long, leggy ones
- Don’t bottom-water! Always overhead water to prevent rot
- Don’t use a heat mat
As soon as the seedling heads appear, put them under grow lights or natural light (like a greenhouse).
Pinching Sweet Peas
Overwintered and fall-sown plants don’t need to be pinched–they will branch naturally
Spring-sown plants will need to be pinched; pinch after second set of leaves
After they are pinched, they can be planted.
Preparing to Plant
- Morning sun and afternoon shade is great
- Prepare for height with a fence, arbor, etc.
- Load up the soil with compost (mushrooms are a good sign)
- Don’t use hot compost for planting–just for prepping
- Start tall
- Can use rebar plus netting
- Can use fencing, trellis, etc.
- At the farm, they use 10 foot rebar and 8 foot-long Hortonova netting per rebar
- Don’t use small netting–sweet peas can’t weave through it. Use something substantial because sweet peas are so heavy
- Hortanova netting is good because of the strength and size of the squares
Planting Sweet Peas: Distance Apart
- For seed production, 4-6 inches works (for air flow)
- For cut flowers, very close (1-2 inches) is okay; it will create a “green wall”
- Plant very close to the netting (within two inches)
- A “trench” system works much better and is easier than individual holes because of the spacing of the plants
Feeding the Plants
- For both methods, dig deeper than you have to–at least 8 inches
- Add cool (not hot!) compost to the bottom
- Add dirt on top
- Add plant on top
- This “lasagna” method gives food to the sweet peas
Once your Sweet Peas Are Growing
When they are about a foot tall, spray with compost tea
General Compost Tea Recipe
- 5-gallon bucket
- Dr. Bu’s compost bags
- Put in bucket; sit for 8 hours
- Squeeze out
- Before spraying, add liquid kelp and fish fertilizer (a “couple of glugs” worth)
- Add to backpack sprayer or watering can; light mist on plant and/or ground. Spray shouldn’t sit and pool on leaves.
Don’t spray in the heat of the day! Before bed, in the evening is best. Spray every week-and-a-half to two weeks. Stop spraying when you see buds starting to form (you will lose the first flush of flowers); spraying is done for the season.
Tying, Coralling and Creating Long Stems
- Use twist tie or tie wire to attach to netting (not necessary but helps with long stems)
- Can also use other methods to corral (twine, etc)
- Tie as often as needed to keep them tall and taut
- If you’re growing just for the garden, you can let them grow crazy; if you want long stems for cutting, they need to be tied
Dealing with Pests in your Sweet Peas
At their starting stage, they look like a stick film on your plants
- Companion planting works great
- Alliums, garlic, marigolds
- “Bug Buster” spray as needed
- If you need to use spray, use it at night and very lightly (sweet peas don’t like to be sprayed)
Mosaic virus
- Doesn’t transfer to the seed, but spreads from plant to plant very quickly
- Leaves will start to bubble and contort; can produce spotty, yellow leaves
- Flowers get streaky and spotty
Immediately pull out the infected plant(s)
Harvesting Sweet Peas
- Harvest when there are 2-3 buds per stem (if you’re growing for cut flowers)
- Cut them in the coolest part of the day
- Flower food isn’t necessary
- Vase life is 3-5 days. To extend their vase life, put them in the fridge at the end of the day
- Keep cutting them to keep them from setting seed
- Sweet peas will shut down at 80 degrees and start setting seed.
Harvesting Seeds
- Each seed pod will have around 5 seeds
- Look for brown and dry seed pods (outside should sound like sandpaper)
- The seeds you are harvesting should be all brown, no green remaining
- Can be harvested with brown or lunch bags (not plastic–needs to breathe); label the bags and fill with seed. Bags can be stored until winter as long as they’re dry. When ready, you can hand-shuck them or seeds will often explode on their own (leave the bag closed!)
- Seeds are “true”; they don’t cross- pollinate but will be the copy of the original plant
✓ Location, location, location
✓ Protect them from wind
✓ Morning sun
✓ Water every day
✓ Compost
✓ Pre-planting
✓ Compost tea when growing (pre-flowering)
✓ Prefer cool weather - they can handle down to single digits; at that point, you would want to cover them
Thank you for sharing all of this information – such a huge help. You are a wonderful sweet pea inspiration & I so appreciate your willingness to share your knowledge, Marryn!