As we delve into the heart of the season here on the farm, we're reminded of an important truth: You can do anything but can't do everything. With the buzz of activity all around us, this mantra has been running through my mind as we navigate the bustling beauty that comes with the flower season. One of the most exciting updates is the finishing touches that I’m putting on my upcoming book on sweet peas. This isn't just any book, it's a culmination of my passion for these unique blooms, filled with insights, tips, and stories that I'm eager to share with you all. It's been a labor of love, and I'm thrilled to see it come to fruition. However, with writing to help others grow their garden, I find myself watching mine bloom without me. It can be easy to feel overwhelmed and disappointed watching our specialty bulbs bloom and blow before we have a chance to harvest, but I know that you can't do everything in every season.

As we focus on the sweet peas, we're also exploring new areas of the farm to plant the rest of these beloved flowers! The promise of a bountiful sweet pea season drives us to seek out the perfect spots, ensuring every stem has the best chance to grow and be photographed. This year, we're taking our sweet pea game to a whole new level, growing over 32,000 plants- some of which have never been grown in the United States! This year is by far our most exciting year of sweet peas, and I can't wait to offer more seeds in our fall sale than ever before.

In addition to our sweet pea endeavors, we're knee-deep in the exciting task of planting dahlias. Each tuber promises to add a touch of magic to our fields (you read that right! Fields plural!), and we eagerly anticipate the rainbow display they will create.

Amidst it all, we're also preparing for the upcoming Mother's Day market. It's a special time for us, as we don't get to arrange as much during the year as I wish we had time for! I love Mother's Day bouquets, in particular, knowing they will bring joy to families nearby. This year was extra special, as we got the most exciting surprise after a long day of bouquet-making. After finishing the bouquets around midnight, we hear Scott yell, "Look! The Aurora Borealis!" And sure enough, we watched as streaks of green, purple, and pink shone above the farm. It was a special thing to see and something we won't forget! Especially farmer Finn as he kept exclaiming that "this was the latest he'd ever stayed up!" and "He wasn't even tired!". Well, he didn't feel that way after the market! But it was so worth it.

It's also been an exciting month for new farm toys! Scott and I found the perfect farm ATV that will make feeding the cows and hauling flowers much easier (and more fun)! The other day, we surprised the boys with new dirt bikes. We celebrated Mav's birthday and included Finn's a little early! What a great night, zipping around on all our new wheels.

As we reflect on the month’s busyness, I'm reminded of the importance of perspective and gratitude. I remind myself that every box can't be checked every season and that I am prioritizing many exciting, beautiful things! I hope that you, too, can appreciate the perfect imperfections that interacting with nature brings. There is always another season, and the lessons we learn from growing will continue to improve our future flowers.